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Accidents involving but not limited to:

  • Passenger Vehicles

  • Light Trucks

  • Commercial Vehicles

  • Railroad Crossings

  • School/Transit Buses

  • Public Safety Vehicles

  • Motorcycles

  • Pedestrians

  • Bicycles



Cases have been handled in the following states:
Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, New Jersey,
Georgia, Florida, North Carolina. 


One of the primary goals in the reconstruction of an accident is to be as accurate as possible with the information available.    Because of our commitment to accuracy during the reconstruction and analysis process, our opinion ultimately may not always be favorable to our client.  You can always count on us to call it like we see it by applying the appropriate science to the available evidence to reach accurate opinions/conclusions.


There is no charge for an initial consultation to discuss your case.  Phone calls and emails related your case are not billed during and after the reconstruction is completed.   

Typically, an hourly fee is charged for any work done.  However, if you need to know the cost of your case before the reconstruction and analysis begins that can be arranged.  This is accomplished by doing a brief review of the case file (All reports, documents, diagrams, photographs, etc.) to better understand the evidence and circumstances of the case.  We can then provide you with the cost upfront to complete the reconstruction and analysis.

If you have a case where you do not want a full reconstruction but a detailed review of the case file only, we can complete a case file review and provide you with an opinion based on the provided information.

Accidents involving Civil and Criminal cases have been handled.  We continue to handle any type of case that you may need assistance with.   
We have worked accidents for both Plaintiff and Defendant.  

Please feel free to call or email to discuss the circumstances of your case or with any questions you may have.  


Assistance to Agencies

Numerous agencies have requested assistance with fatal or serious

injury crashes.  The following is only a partial list of agencies assisted.


  • Cincinnati Prosecutor's Office /Cincinnati Police (Ohio)

  • City of Dayton Police - Traffic Unit (Ohio)

  • Fayette County Sheriff's Office (Ohio)

  • Darke County Sheriff's Office (Ohio)

  • Henry County Sheriff's Office (Ohio)

  • Butler County Sheriff's Office (Ohio)

  • Wood County Sheriff's Office (Ohio

  • Pickaway County Sheriff's Office (Ohio)

  • City of Washington C.H. Police (Ohio)

  • City of Xenia Police (Ohio)

  • City of Oregon Police (Ohio)

  • City of Lorain Police (Ohio)

  • City of Chillicothe Police (Ohio)

  • Sugarcreek Twp. Police (Ohio)

  • Sylvania Twp. Police (Ohio)

  • Clearcreek Twp. Police (Ohio)

  • West Chester Twp. Police (Ohio)

  • Law Science Technologies (Ohio)

  • Crash Tech (Ohio) 

Terry W. McClanahan
Accident Reconstructionist
ACTAR Accreditation No. 804

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Mr. Terry McClanahan is Principal Accident Reconstructionist and Fully Accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).  He received his reconstruction training/certification in 1994 and earned Full Accreditation as an Accident Reconstructionist in 1998.

Mr. McClanahan has extensive experience reconstructing collisions as both a law enforcement officer and as a private consultant.  Has testified in trials and depositions as an expert and has extensive technical and specialized training courses through institutions such as Texas A&M University, University of North Florida and The Traffic Institute at Northwestern University.  He has been requested to assist numerous law enforcement agencies and private reconstruction consulting firms with the reconstruction of collisions involving fatal and serious injury.

From 2007 - 2020 Mr. McClanahan was an Adjunct Instructor for traffic collision investigation and reconstruction courses at the Ohio Peace Officer's Training Academy.  He has been involved in extensive field testing including: staged collisions, braking/deceleration, acceleration, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, commercial vehicles, etc.


Specialized Equipment & Software


Specialized equipment and software are often needed.  The following is an example.


  • Topcon Electronic Total Station (Forensic Mapping)

  • Faro Zone 3D Advanced Mapping Software

  • AR Pro 15 (Accident Reconstruction Pro) Calculation Software

  • CDR Kit (Crash Data Retrieval Hardware and Software)

  • WinSmac Prediction and Simulation Software

  • Vericom VC 4000 Accelerometer


Training is Important

The follow is just a few of the training courses completed.  Please review a copy of my CV for a complete list.


  • Advanced Accident Reconstruction

  • Accident Reconstruction

  • Applied Physics for the Crash Investigator

  • Biomechanics in Accident Reconstruction

  • Vehicle Damage and the Energy Relationship

  • Energy Methods and Damage Analysis

  • Occupant Kinetics

  • Rotational Mechanics

  • Heavy Vehicle Crash Reconstruction

  • Special Problems in Crash Reconstruction

  • Pedestrian Crash Investigation

  • Motorcycle Crash Investigation

  • Crash Data Retrieval Technician and Analyst

  • Reconstructions of Collisions Involving Airborne's

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Calls or Emails are Welcome 7 Days a Week to Discuss your Case.
Private Individuals are Welcome to Call with Any Questions. 

726 E. Main Street

Suite F # 183

Lebanon, Ohio 45036

Phone: (937) 218-6314


A CV and Fee Schedule are available upon request. 

Please email or call and the information 
will be provided promptly.

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